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標題: 救命呀!請大家幫幫忙。"I Wish I Could Meet The Man That Knows"
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註冊 2006-3-26
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發表於 2006-10-8 02:54 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
救命呀!請大家幫幫忙。"I Wish I Could Meet The Man That Knows"

Read the poem . Then  create your own story with the same topic.
"I Wish I Could Meet The Man That Knows"
以下係首詩既內容—我要用首詩既topic作一個故事 係CREATIVE WRITING
但係經本人絞盡腦汁諗左好幾日都諗唔到任何idea!! 眼見就快deadline
我唔知點算!!所以希望大家幫幫忙        救命架!!   
請各位發揮創意   幫幫小弟  比D idea我呀!!

PS 故事不限長短、字數

"I Wish I Could Meet The Man That Knows"
John Ciardi

I wish I could meet the man that knows

Who put the fly on my daddy’s nose

When my daddy was taking a nap today.

I tried to slap that fly away

So Daddy could sleep.  But just as my hand

Came down to slap him, the fly jumped AND

I hit with a bang – where do you suppose? –



“Ow!” cried Daddy, and up he jumped.

He jumped so hard that he THUMP-


His head on the wall.

            Well, I tried to say,

“See, Daddy, I slapped the fly away.”

And I should think he would have thanked me.

But what do you think he did?  He

            SPANKED me!

“I was just trying to help!” I said.

But Daddy was looking very red.

“For trying to help, I have to thank you.

But for that smack on the nose, I’ll spank         


And up in the air went his great big hand

As he said, “I hope you understand

It’s my nose I’m spanking for, not the fly.

For the fly I thank you.”

                       And that is why

I wish I could meet the man that knows

Who put the fly on my daddy’s nose.

For when I find him, I want to thank him.

And as I do, I want to spank him.

[ 本帖最後由 lovedandan4ever 於 2006-10-8 02:56 PM 編輯 ]

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Rank: 1

會員編號 143305
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閱讀權限 50
註冊 2006-3-26
註冊天數 6835
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發表於 2006-10-9 01:04 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
plx help
I need to hand in on WEDSDAY
BUT I still have no idea!!!!


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