2008-5-24 12:50 PM
form three chemistry =]
Plz help me ..
I don't know how to do it ..
hand in the work 25/5 .. plz ~~
here is the question .. thx ^^
1. The following table gives some information about W,X,Y and Z which represent particles of some elements. These particles are either atoms or ions.
Number of
Particle Mass number Atomic number protons electrons neutrons
W 14 7 7 7 7
X 19 9 9 9 10
Y 19 9 9 10 10
Z 39 19 19 19 20
a) W exists as diatomic molecules. Draw an electron diagram for its molecule, showing electrons in the outermost shells only.
b) i) What is the relationship between X and Y ?
ii) Suggest a chemical reaction in which X can change into Y.
c) X can form a compound with Z.
i) Draw an electron diagram for the compound.
ii) Calculate the formula mass of the compound.
plz help me ~~~~~~~~~~~~ thx >vvvvvvvvvvvv<
2008-5-24 01:55 PM
a) 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
b) i) Y is the anion of X (因為Y gained 1 electron to form Y )
ii) Y --> X+ + e ( 明唔明呀 @V@ 唔明我畫出黎 )
C) i) X : 2,7 so form X-
Z : 2,8,8,1 so form Z+
ii) so the formula is XZ
formula mass = 19 + 39 = 50
應該岩啦 XD 明唔明呀 XD[/color][/box]
2008-5-24 02:24 PM
ohh~~ :]
thx yinggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg:syl68Ba:
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