I-See 論壇 » 頭像評評站 » BeforeAfter 2

2007-6-13 03:14 AM lilyandlily
BeforeAfter 2

A new colour and feel for me again
Not too bad I think.

2007-6-13 07:57 AM CHING=D
1 OK
2 少少黃
3 偏黃

最喜 no.1


[[i] 本帖最後由 澄.3. 於 2007-6-13 07:59 AM 編輯 [/i]]

2007-6-13 08:35 AM ttsee
[color=#1b0000]1 灰左少少 2 幾好 3 對比太勁 太黃[/color]

2007-6-13 09:49 AM 露莎x]`
i like the second one....others ar too yellow...
sup lily

2007-6-27 12:52 PM lilyandlily
actually...........no.1 and no.2  I also love........
thx CM so much=="

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